We Should All Join the “War on Learning Loss”
As the world strives to return to normalcy, every week seems to bring us a deeper appreciation of the scale of learning loss and the human toll of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Newark the last two weeks delivered us the sad news that 9 of 10 students in Newark’s district schools are projected to fail…Read More
NEW JERSEY CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION LAUNCHES MY SCHOOLS NEWARK Online platform and web app to provide parents with empowering free digital research tool and ‘one-stop-shop’ with information on every school in Newark Newark, NJ – Today, the New Jersey Children’s Foundation (NJCF) announced the launch of My Schools Newark, a new online research tool and mobile-friendly…Read More
The Human Toll of Anti-Charter Animus
Saying yes to expansion requests by top-performing schools would have cost the Murphy Administration almost nothing. The cost of saying no, however, is that hundreds of children across the state will have their education upended yet again, on the heels of two years of pandemic-related upheavals that exacerbated our already massive academic achievement gaps.Read More