If you are looking for a quality school for your child, many Newark charter schools still have seats available!
Despite what you may have heard at one of Newark’s enrollment centers, you can still enroll in one of several public charter schools that have seats available. These schools are free, available to all Newark families, and are part of Newark Enrolls. We’ve compiled a list of the schools with space available
- Achieve Charter School has available kindergarten, first, third, and fifth grade seats. To enroll your child, email msmith@brickeducation.org or call 862-235-1596.
- Great Oaks Legacy Charter School has available kindergarten and fifth grade seats. To enroll your child, email othompson@greatoaksleagcy.org or call 862-256-0909.
- KIPP New Jersey has seats available for kindergarten. To enroll your child, email enroll@kippnj.org or call 973-750-8326.
- Marion P. Thomas Charter School has available kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth grade seats. To enroll your child, email msmith@brickeducation.org or call 862-235-1596.
- METS Charter School has available ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade seats. To enroll your child, email admissions@metscharterschool.org or call 973-859-5300.
- People’s Prep Charter School has available ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade seats. To enroll your child, email enrollment@peoplesprep.org or call 973-622-1790.
- Roseville Charter School has available kindergarten, first, second, third, and fourth grade seats. To enroll your child, email mtorres@rosevillecharter.org or call 973-483-4400.